Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Classroom Rules

I wanted to make this a part of the first page so everyone would be able to look for it. It will be in the parent letter under the classroom link to the right!!! But it's always good to have a refresher!!!

1. Respect your teachers, classmates, and yourself.

2. NO profanity or bullying.

3. Be alert, attentive and active with your head up at all times.

4. Be seated and prepared to work when the bell rings.

5. Raise your hand, be recognized and get permission to speak or leave your seat.

6. Keep hands & objects to yourself.

7. No pass, no potty!

8. Homework is not an option.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Welcome to My Class!

I'm so excited for the upcoming school year! I have many activities planned to make this an exciting and successful semester! Students will be expected to study literature in the form of novels, short stories, plays, and poetry. We will also be dabbing in both creative and formal writing forms.

Please feel free to call me or email me or even post a comment if you have any questions.


Kendall Lewis!!!