English II

Welcome to English II!!!

English II offers a wide variety of literature. Students will have the opportunity to explore literature from different countries and time periods. Students will also explore the ocean and its wonders through literature selections. English II students must also prepare for the North Carolina 10th Grade Writing Test. As they prepare, they will be addressing issues such as the effects of oil spills, the causes of global warming and the effects of hurricanes on the coastal states. This topic will give them a better understanding of the ocean as well as writing.

A quick note. I use megaupload to upload my powerpoints and other documents. They are safe files that I have checked myself. All you need to do is punch in a 3 letter code, and wait 40 seconds.

August 25 -Sept 2
Sept 6 - Sept 9*
Sept 12-16
Sept 19-23
Sept 26-30
Oct 3-7

List 1
List 2
List 3
List 4
List 5
List 6
List 7
List 8
List 9 (just words 1-10)
List 10 (1-5 are extra credit)
List 11 (11-15 are extra credit)
List 12 (11-15 are extra credit)
List 13 (11-15 are extra credit)
List 14 (11-15 are extra credit)

Information Booklet

       Bridegroom - Here is a COPY of the poem we read in class.
       Bridegroom - Questions 1-17
       Bridegroom Assignments/Trial
       Anthem - Ayn Rand and Anthem (9-2)
       Anthem - Anticipation Guide (just one side)
       Anthem - Abstract Terms (just one side)
       Anthem - Activities (all the activities we will do and have done with Anthem)
       Night - Introduction PowerPoint (DATE)
       Night - Reflection Journal Project (DATE)
       Shakespeare - Introduction (DATE)
       Shakespeare - JC Terms and Background (DATE)
       Inferno - Background (DATE)
       Writing Test Introduction (9-1)
       Writing Test Introductions and Thesis (9-2)
       Writing Test Body Paragraphs (9-6)
       Writing Test Conclusions (DATE)
       Writing Test Definition Writing (DATE)
       Writing Test Cause and Effect Writing (DATE)
       Anthem Paper Requirements
       Prepositions, Dog House, Preposition List
      Adverbs, Conjuctions, Interjections
       Kinds of Sentences

* means that they will be checked for a grade by this time. Make sure you have all of them!